Pitch perfect: The knack of talking to investors

Emmet McGonagle

June 17, 2022

“Pitching is so much more than just looking or sounding cool on stage,” Viking Entrepreneur Haukur Gudjonnson declared to his followers in a lengthy Facebook post. In spite of some prior reservations, Gudjonnson hailed pitching as “a process of fine tuning your business strategy and the act of being able to convince people on the value of your vision”.

But if pitching really is “the new business plan” as the Viking Entrepreneur suggests, then “sounding cool on stage” just isn’t going to cut it. Think of a pitch as a one-sided conversation - albeit a prepared conversation covering key points that investors want to hear. A great way of presenting your business plan is through following the foundations outlined in Joseph Campbell’s “
a hero’s journey” narrative (as used in Star Wars, Harry Potter and just about every other fantasy storyline in existence). 

It is also wise to steer clear of dense texts in your presentation - keep it concise, free of technical details and most importantly avoid reading the presentation verbatim. 

Valhalla Private Capital suggests treating your pitch as a muscle. Just like going for a run or lifting a weight, repetition plays a key role in improving your craft as a presenter which, in turn, is a foundational skill for a startup.

Although stakes are high, there are a few handy tips to help you sail through a pitch. For one, avoid “tricks” such as videos and animations as they almost always fail when they are needed most. However, if you have a penchant for risk and your multimedia assets refuse to work when they are needed most, keep a backup plan so as not to be left stumbling in front of potential investors. 

Herein lies another tidbit - remember to breathe, relax and allow your viewers to assimilate what you are saying. After all, you are raising money for your business venture. This is an exciting time for any entrepreneur, so let your enthusiasm shine through. 

Even a one-sided conversation must come to an end, at which point investors will have the floor to ask questions about your business. It’s important to keep this in mind as you prepare your pitch, and anticipate potential topics before they crop up as questions.

Personability gives you leverage to discuss what other resources you need in addition to capital, as investors have a wealth of experience and connections which could take your business venture to the next level. That being said, listen to the advice you receive as investors are looking to work with someone coachable. 

Nobody expects you to know it all, as Gudjonnson’s concludes: “Mentors aren’t wasting their time to listen to you just so they can enjoy taking shots at your business, they are doing it because they want to help you [to] develop a strong business model and a great sales pitch.”

Do you have a question about angel investing? Get in touch with Valhalla Private Capital via our
contact page.

By Emmet McGonagle December 1, 2023
Canada’s unemployment rate has trended higher once again this month, according to the latest iteration of Statistics Canada’s November labour force survey.
By Emmet McGonagle November 29, 2023
More than half of workers believe that disclosing worker compensation details on job postings will lead to better equality in pay, according to the latest iteration of LinkedIn’s Workforce Confidence Index . The index - which is based on a survey of 3,302 members in Canada between June and September 2023 - found that 52% of people asked felt that people sharing their pay information (including salary and bonus) would improve workplace equality, compared to 48% in 2022. This number varies between different generations, with younger Canadians more likely to express support for pay transparency (73%), followed by 69% of Millennials, 46% of Gen X and 44% of Baby Boomers. However, 37% of those surveyed remarked that they felt anxious about sharing their pay information - a 2% rise from the year prior. Likewise, just under half (49%) said they felt well compensated for the work they do while 74% expressed that the pay gap between CEOs and employees had become too wide. The people of LinkedIn have come out in their dozens to give their two cents on the topic, with Adrienne Tom , executive resume writer for executives, saying: “ I'm all for salary transparency, so long as the number is clear and legit. Some postings list salary ranges so wide that the actual salary number isn't entirely clear, leaving job seekers confused.” “If you have a manager who is not advocating for the pay gap, you are working for the wrong manager,” remarked career strategist Sweta Regmi , while noting that women in Ontario earn an average of $0.87 for every dollar earned by men. On the topic, she added: “Salary ranges with job postings can help close the gender pay gap while allowing companies to find qualified candidates more quickly.” Do you have a question about angel investing? Get in touch with Valhalla Private Capital via our contact page .
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